The 2020 KACCS Webinar Series On-line via Zoom Sponsored by Enrollment Resources

The second half of the Webinar Series, “Safer, Stronger: The New Normal” is now fully programmed and available for registration!
Noted lecturers, authors and legal experts Yolanda Gallegos, Esq., and Dr. Jean Norris of Norton|Norris, in collaboration with Anthony S. Bieda, public policy authority, present a series of webinars on the “Stronger, Safer New Normal” confronting career colleges and schools at a time of teaching, guiding and serving students from a distance. The sessions:
- Guidance for Mitigating Risk When Down-scaling Operations
- Managing Contractual Obligations During CV19 Pandemic
- Institution as Employer: Important Considerations when Faculty and Students Return to Campus
- Nurturing Your Students to Start – High School Counselors Offer Perspective
Use your Zoom account and the information below to join the webinars of your choice. The sessions are no cost, provided as a courtesy by Enrollment Resources Inc., Norton|Norris Inc, and the presenters Wallace K. Pond, Yolanda Gallegos, and Anthony S. Bieda. Program Details AND Registration information are provided below!