Category Archives: Join

New Online Course Available! Go to KACCS Online Training Center

While no instructor can possibly identify with every aspect of a veteran’s experience, it is possible to become more aware of some of the challenges facing veterans as they reintegrate into civilian life:

ED142- Military Veterans: Integrating Veterans into Post-Secondary Classes examines the various challenges veterans face when attempting to pursue courses of study following military engagements and service.

Learn more about this course by visiting the KACCS Online Training Center at Members, contact KACCS or for VIP discount codes for online courses.

This online training opportunity is courtesy MaxKnowledge, Inc. for KACCS member colleges and schools and their faculty, staff and leadership.

MaxKnowledge Logo

KACCS sets priorities for HEA reauthorization

In a letter to Rep. Brett Guthrie (Kentucky’s 2nd Congressional District), the organization lists its priorities for Congressional reauthorization of the Higher Education Act, which guides the regulation of all colleges and universities in the U.S. whose students receive federal financial aid.

The correspondence reads, in part: ” We believe strongly that a level playing field must be established and preserved for all education providers regardless of their tax status…Protect(ing) the ability for veterans and service members to use their earned benefits at the college or school of their choice… and preserv(ing) and expand(ing) student aid for quality and effective career education programs as short as eight weeks in length, to promote more agile training sector responses to current and emerging workforce shortages.”

Read the full letter at the link below.