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Category Archives: Join
New Online Course Available! Go to KACCS Online Training Center
While no instructor can possibly identify with every aspect of a veteran’s experience, it is possible to become more aware of some of the challenges facing veterans as they reintegrate into civilian life:
ED142- Military Veterans: Integrating Veterans into Post-Secondary Classes examines the various challenges veterans face when attempting to pursue courses of study following military engagements and service.
Learn more about this course by visiting the KACCS Online Training Center at Members, contact KACCS or for VIP discount codes for online courses.
This online training opportunity is courtesy MaxKnowledge, Inc. for KACCS member colleges and schools and their faculty, staff and leadership.

How The Higher Education Monopoly Shuts Down For-Profit Competitors
By Terry Schilling, American Principles Project, September 30, 2019
The higher education establishment often promotes the idea that their effort to corner markets, maximize revenue from consumers, and destroy competition is all done in good faith out of compassion for the students they serve. After all, universities are nonprofits, therefore (or at least so the implication suggests) they are nothing like those terrible for-profit businesses in the proprietary education sector.
“… like so many powerful industries, the higher education establishment is calculating and cutthroat, which is why they have been using whatever means possible to destroy their biggest competitor: the for-profit college sector.”
But “nonprofit” is only a tax designation — it’s certainly not a business model. Universities obviously profit. The only real difference between for-profits and nonprofits is where the profit goes. Instead of distributing profit to shareholders like a for-profit business, nonprofit universities can reinvest in luxury student amenities, state-of-the-art athletic facilities, and other capital improvements not necessarily related to student academic achievement, not to mention administrator salaries, all the while using these expenses to justify charging increasingly higher tuition.
Board of Directors nominations
KACCS defends the best interests of the career education sector through effective government relations and community networking. KACCS occasionally needs to fill vacant positions on the Board of Directors. If you or someone you know who is affiliated with a KACCS member institution or associate member organization is interested in becoming a board member, please contact
The Board meets on average one time per month, by telephone. Last year, two in-person meetings were held, typically coincidental with the annual meeting or an event sponsored by KACCS.
Board members are asked to apply their insight and ideas about how to strengthen career colleges and schools in Kentucky. Please share this appeal for candidates so that KACCS may encounter the best leadership talent in the Commonwealth. Or recommend an individual from a KACCS member college or school to fill the vacancy on the Board.
Wanted: New members…
… to join the premiere Career College association in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Join now and gain “member” status when you register for the 2019 Conference and Exhibition, “Navigating change through innovation.”